Friday, January 11, 2013

Thank you, Ikea!

The entryway from our garage was always a mess of shoes, jackets and backpacks. Despite having an open rack shoe organizer in the closet, the shoes always ended up in a pile in front of the rack. "Closet filler" was not exactly its intended purpose. So, when I stumbled upon this gem online buying one as soon as possible was a no brainer.

Ikea's about 45 minutes from our home, and while that's not too horribly far, I like to buy as much online as possible. With two little kids and another on the way the idea of tackling a 90 minute round trip drive and shopping was not very appealing. There were a couple available on ebay, but I wasn't about to pay twice of what they were asking in the store so off to the store we went.

Thankfully, my mother met us there and was able to help us. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her.

Jack made quite a few purchases.

These made it all worth it! Now our shoes are beautifully organized and off the floor. Wonderful.

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